




  • 產(chǎn)品名稱:三相多功能電能表校驗儀英文版

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:DJ-3A型
  • 產(chǎn)品廠商:康登電氣科技有限公司
  • 產(chǎn)品價格:0
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DJ-3A型三相多功能電能表校驗儀英文版The portable standard meter(hereinafter “meter") is used to calibrate three phase, single phase, active or reactive energy meter under work, and also it can b


The portable standard meter(hereinafter “meter”) is used to calibrate three phase, single phase, active or reactive energy meter under work, and also it can be used as voltage, current and power meter to measure AC parameter of three phase power line.


1, three phase voltage, current, active power, reactive power, power factor, power, angle, frequency and other electrical parameters of high accuracy measurement.

2, three phase active power and reactive power, electronic energy meter and other kinds of electrical instruments field calibration.

3, the error of measurement device on the spot check.

4, voltage input 50-450V automatic switching range, to ensure the accuracy of measurement.

5, current input terminals and clamp table two ways, the maximum can be measured current 2000A.

6, vector diagram of real-time display, error connection of instant recognition, stealing power in our hands.

7, CT ratio measurement with high precision.

8, voltage and current waveforms show that the 31 harmonic analysis.

9, storage of 200 blocks of the calibration table to measure the data is easy to complete.

10, can be equipped with a microcomputer, through the RS232 serial port on the device data management, real paperless office.

11, large screen LCD Chinese menu display, at a glance, easy to operate.

12, the power supply adapter can also be directly from the power grid (AC50-450V) work, fully considering the use of the site conditions.

13, with a fast automatic calibration function, can be corrected to the instrument's change.

14, can be equipped with three-phase precision test power supply, as a three-phase test device.

15, strong on-site load adaptability, work stable and reliable.

16, small size, light weight, beautiful appearance, easy to carry.

1, electric energy measurement: 0.05, 0.1

2, AC voltage measurement 50V-450V:0.1

3, AC current measurement 20mA-5A:0.1

4, active power: 0.2

5, reactive power: 0.3

6, frequency measurement: 45Hz-65Hz (+ 0.05Hz)

7, angle measurement: 0 degrees -360 degrees (0.3 degrees)

8, electric energy pulse constant =60000P / kW - H (current range is less than 100A)

=600 P / kW H (current range is greater than or equal to 100A)

9, work power: power adapter: DC+5V or Ua power supply: AC50-450V

10, power consumption: 5VA

11, working temperature: -30 50

12, relative humidity: 40% - 90%

13, weight: 1.5Kg

14, body product: 220 x 138 x 60mm3


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